Thursday, January 3, 2013

Goodbye to 2012

I can't say that I'm sad to see 2012 go.  While it was better than 2011 by far, it still had ups and downs and I'd really like things to calm down a little more. 
I've seen other bloggers do kind of a year in review and I though it was cool.  I'm going to try and re-use pictures I've uploaded to fill out this post.

Here we go!

January - In January I was a stay at home mom (SAHM) for approx. 3 weeks before I went back to work!  I'm proud of the fact that I was only laid off for 2 months (to the day!) before finding a job.

February - Corey & I celebrated 4 years together, from the day we met.  I think, for both of us, that when we met we both kind of knew that was it for us.  Neither of us ever dated anyone from that day, even though we weren't "official" until 2 months later.

March - Addy turned 3 and Corey turned 31 and we had a small celebration at our home.

April - I started interviewing with 2 companies for a permanent job as opposed to a contract position.  It was intense with phone interviews, 2 formal interviews, a skills test and an evaluation by a occupational psychologist, who walked me through my entire career for 2 hours asking me about details and decisions.  Corey, Addy & I enjoyed our last month or so as a small family of 3.

May - Reese was born!  Also, I got job offers from both companies I had been interviewing with and accepted one.

Additionally, Corey & I celebrated one year of marriage, in the hospital.  Reese shares our anniversary.

June - We spent June adjusting to life with a new baby.  Corey finished up school for the year and we looked forward to our summer together.

July - We went insane and decided to fly to California for a wonderful friend's wedding and then straight to Ohio to see extended family and friends.  We were on the road with a 3-year-old and an 8-month-old for 10 days.  After this trip we decided to potty train Addy during my last week of freedom.

August - I started working again!  While my official start date was July 30, I consider it August.  We registered Addy for preschool and found Reese a great daycare.  Corey prepared to return to school for his 3rd (and tenure!) year.

September - We spend Sept. finding our rythym with work and school and kids.  Furlough days started at work so I had 2 Fridays off.  At the end of the month we took another quick trip to California for another wedding but left Addy with family.

October - I turned 33 (ugh) in October and had some high-stress days at work where I got approval for my project.  Reese turned 5 months and started army crawling.  We decided to sleep train her at the end of the month and it worked... for a while.

November - Reese's first Thanksgiving!  I wish I had more to say about November but really, the highlight was Thanksgiving I think.  Also, I had my last 2 furlough days and spent one wth Addy and one getting my hair done.  I started attempting to use the treadmill more and was successful for most of November.

December - December pretty much means Christmas!  Reese's first Christmas!  This year we started the Elf on the Shelf tradition which was ok.  As the girls grow we will probably have more fun with it.  We spent Christmas in Michigan and Ohio, visiting family and friends.  I fell off the treadmill (not literally) and am struggling to get back into it.

To sum up:
Jobs: 2
Kids: 1
Books read: 80+!!  I credit pumping and reading on my phone.  I doubt this will be as high next year.

My wish for 2013?  I'd like a peaceful year.  I'm working very hard to let go of something things and just be.  I know the summer will be crazy at work and we're talking about another addition to our family but I hope that in one year I can say that 2013 was a great year.