Originally written 10/25:
My friends were in town over the weekend and despite being exhausted (both during their visit and especially after) we had a great time. I wasn't the party-pooper I was worried I'd be, I stuck it out both nights, staying up until at least 12 both nights! I still got to enjoy great meals and lots of laughs and stories and it was great.
Other than that, not a lot has changed this week. I'm seriously starting to show so I'll need to come clean soon. I need to tell my family before I tell more people at work because I work with someone related to me. So if he hears at work, there's a chance he'll tell our relatives before I do, just because he won't know not to.
Still feeling ill a lot, but I think it's getting slightly better. I bought some bigger bra sizes and that seems to help a little. I think if I could just quit wearing a bra for the next 4 weeks, I'd probably be great. I'm also avoiding things like tomato sauces and spicy things since they seem to aggravate my stomach.
How far along?: 10 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I'll find out for sure on Friday but I hope it's just not more than 3-4 lbs. I'd really like to keep things under control.
The Bump: It feels bigger to me this week but I'm jaded. Who knows what it looks like to an outsider.
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Seeing the doctor on Friday and hearing the heartbeat.
Maternity Clothes: Just bigger bras so far. Definitely wearing looser pants lately.
Symptoms: Nausea (which is really more like acid reflux) and exhaustion. Craving sleep like no other.
Belly Button in or out?: In. I don't see this changing.
Food Cravings/Aversions: Craving Mexican, buffalo anything, and CARBS. We ate out over the weekend and I kept asking people for bread baskets which I could never get. Aversions are nothing and anything. Just depends on the moment.
What I miss: Having energy and not feeling ill.
Milestones: Baby is the size of a lime this week! I am just so excited to see the doctor!
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