Thursday, May 3, 2012

35 Weeks

Note: I'm trying to get caught up to my current week (37 weeks) so that when this baby comes I'm not still posting about being pregnant.  I'm only 2 weeks behind at this point!

Originally written 4/16:

It's so funny to be to be 4 weeks behind and see what I thought 4 weeks ago about being pregnant.  Its one of those things where you can't imagine being any bigger or more tired but then you get here and you look back and think, "What an idiot" about yourself.

I keep a journal for each of my girls that I try to write in periodically.  I'm not as good now as when I was pregnant with Addy, but I'm trying.  I used to write once a month, but that's turned in to every few months now.  I tell her what she's up to and what our family is doing and whatever else I think is important.  I started one for this baby and I've written a few times but I need to get on that.  I want to make sure I tell my girls how it felt being pregnant with each of them in case I'm not actually around.  I hate that I can't ask my mom things about her pregnancies.  All I can do is try to remember things she told me and compare this one to Addy's.

I've decided that I would love for this baby to come early (not too early, just a week or 2) because my start date for my new job is fixed, so I get more time if she comes early.  So I think in a few weeks I'll start walking a lot and eating fresh pineapple and spicy foods and I'll even try sex.  It probably won't make any difference, but I guess it can't hurt to try.

In actual baby news, we bought a coming home outfit this weekend.  I wanted her to have something new that wasn't a hand-me-down so we did some shopping.  We also got a freezer, so its time to start stocking that up.  We also took Addy to Big Sister class which was good, but I don't feel that she got *that* much out of it.  If she were older, it probably would have been useful.  But she did spend the weekend doing everything with her pretend "Baby Sister".  Seriously, we changed her diaper, Baby Sister got a new diaper too.  I brushed her hair, I had to brush Baby Sister's hair too.  I'm glad that she's starting to get excited about it.

How far along?:  35 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I'm still thinking that I'm holding steady at 25lbs but we'll find out today.  I tried to avoid lots of salt this weekend and I drank SO much water.  My "cankles" seem to be better still so that's good.
The Bump: Totally out front, which is nice.  Its good to still have a waist (kind of).
What I’m excited about/looking forward to:  Finishing her stupid nursery.  I just have to hang a few things on the walls but its not happening.
Maternity Clothes:  It's chilly today so I got to wear a sweater I haven't worn yet.  When I'm done working in a few weeks, I'm going to pass a bunch of work clothes to my cousin.  She's about 3 months behind me.
Symptoms:  Mostly just tired.  I wanted a nap SO badly yesterday but didn't get one.  Oh, and I carried a heavy grocery bag and spent a few hours wishing I hadn't done that.
Belly Button in or out?:  In. I don't see this changing.
Food Cravings/Aversions:  Cravings SEEM to have subsided for the most part.  I still love ice cream and got a cone yesterday!
What I miss:  I miss being able to carry Addy like she wants me to.  It's so hard to tell her no.
Milestones:  In one more week if I were to go into labor they wouldn't stop it!

1 comment:

  1. "... and I'll even try sex." Ah ha ha ha! That makes me laugh. If I said something like that to Adam, he'd think it was something horrible! lol

    "Finishing her stupid nursery." You make me laugh, Jacque! :)
