Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Birthday, Halloween, and Secrets

My birthday went off pretty much as I suspected it would.  C & Addy let me sleep in until the very late time of 8:30am (which actually is pretty late considering Addy was up at 6am) and then they took me out for breakfast, which was delicious.  

We hit Target then home for Addy's nap.  I did laundry, we eventually did the grocery shopping and C cooked dinner.  Pretty standard Sunday really.

When I was a kid, my birthday was the BEST time of the year.  I have a love for Fall that no other season can replace and my birthday being in the fall is like icing on the cake (heh, the BIRTHDAY cake).  My parents put all 5 of us kids through private, Catholic school and we used to get Holy Days of Obligation off school.  It turns out that November 1 is a HDoO, All Saint's Day. 

So imagine you're about 7.  It's your birthday, then the very next day is HALLOWEEN!  And then, just when it couldn't get better, you have the next day off.  What a great 3 days!

Yesterday was not as exciting as when I was around 7.  Instead of trick or treating and staying up late, I had to go to class and NOT take Addy out.  C didn't take her out either, so I guess I didn't really miss anything.  And today I'm at work so my life is not living up to my childhood expectations.

BUT, today is a great day because I can finally reveal that I am 11 weeks pregnant and Addy is going to be a Big Sister!  DD is 5/22 which makes this baby a First anniversary present and C extremely grateful that he doesn't need to remember another important date.

I've been keeping a log, posting each week without posting publicly.  I'll be posting those updates randomly until we get caught up.  It starts at Week 5 and details how I'm feeling, what I'm experiencing and what I'm looking forward to.  It's kind of funny how it changes week to week.

So watch for those and Happy (late) Halloween!

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