Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Random Updates

Our tax return came today!  I already bought myself a purse and we'll see what I decide to do with the rest of my "allowance".  I'm not used to summers (and the humidity) in Minnesota so I'm thinking I may invest in some summer work clothes (blouses and light tops).

C has already told me he's buying a grill on his way home from work.  He's been dying to get one for years (seriously) and he may just get it now.  I wanted him to wait until we got a house because we have no where to store or really use a grill but he is bound & determined.

Face update: I switched back to Proactiv last week.  I'd rather have 90% clear skin than 50% clear skin any day.  It's drying out the skin around my eyes pretty badly but this happened last time and I just keep slathering on the moisturizer and hopefully it will correct itself in the next week or so.  Things are already looking better so I will probably just stay with this until after the wedding.

A friend recommended a benzoyl peroxide/clindagel mixture that she uses so I may ask my doctor about that.  She said it's the only thing that's worked for her.  I know everyone has different skin but it's always trial & error.

I am crossing off to-do items left & right here.  I found a place to press our dresses for the reasonable cost of $77 for mine and $26 for the girls.  So much better than $300 for me.  Ugh.

I also made appointments for the ladies to get manis/pedis the day before the wedding.  $35 for both which I think is reasonable.  I'm torn if I should offer to pay for some of this stuff since it's all for my wedding but I don't have that much extra to spend.  5 ladies plus tip would be $210...

One to-do is driving me crazy and that's finding a headband for the wedding day.  I had one that a friend was lending me but it broke in the mail and I never took it anywhere to get it fixed.  So now I'm looking to buy one but we're so close to the wedding most places want to charge me to "rush" the order.  Blarg.  I found one I liked but at $92 I just can't justify that.  I'm considering stopping by a bridal shop now to see if they have anything I like so I can buy it without having to pay for shipping or rushing.

Photo shoot is this weekend, the forecast is for a high of 51F and perhaps some flurries.  So much for nice weather and outdoor shots!

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