Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Skip this One

I took a Mental Health Day yesterday and took a nap and sat on the couch and didn't do a single wedding-related thing!  I truly needed it.  Our weekend was busy, busy and I was tired and stressed out.

The photo shoot went well, as far as I can tell.  I wish she'd been just a little more creative in our shots, but I should hold back until I actually see the results, which should be today or tomorrow!  That's crazy fast!  I've seen one picture and it's SUPER cute so hopefully that's a great indication of the rest of them.

The shower on Sunday was lovely.  My SIl & her mother did such a great job of putting everything together.  The games were fun and tasteful and the food was delicious!

I'm not sure at this point what's left to do.  C & I actually made 4 dozen cookies last night!  I think these particular cookies are going to go fast so I may make another 4 dozen later so that we have tons.  And we need to get on the whoopie pies too.

I'm basically just waiting for our etsy purchases to roll in so I can take stock of everything and see where we are.  And get the rest of the RSVPs in so we have our final count.  I don't know what percentage we've had respond but I'm sure I'll be chasing some down next week.

1 comment:

  1. Barb H. actually sent my mom a thank you note for hosting it! I thought that was crazy... she must have enjoyed herself too! :)
